March 21, 2013 · 1 Comments
Dear editor:
Regarding Rita Bennett’s letter in the March 7th edition of this paper about truck traffic through Beeton, she is absolutely right that this seems to be the new truck route. It seems that ever since the bypass was built, as long as unnecessary trucks do not travel through downtown Alliston, then the rest of us don’t matter. Beeton has a constant flow of unnecessary trucks every day, 7 day s a week. These are not trucks that are delivering or picking up merchandise in town – these are trucks that are just passing through! It is not only affecting our homes on Main Street but people on Maple Street have been complaining about the incessant noise and the poor driving habits of these drivers. Also, if you have the misfortune of having to drive the Main Street in front of one of these trucks, if according to the driver, you are not going fast enough to suit them, you will be blasted by their horn! If you phone and complain to their company (any of them) about an unsafe driving practice by one of their drivers, you get nothing but rudeness in response to your complaint. My husband and I support you 100% Rita! We pay our high taxes on time – give us something back! All residents of Beeton should support Mrs. Bennett by writing a letter, or by attending a council meeting – whatever you can do to show support! One complaint is not enough obviously! I might add I tried to get something done a year or so ago and got nothing but…for our tax dollars! Maybe if more people came forward, something might be done!
D. Knapp
Not everything in downtown Alliston is as rosy as depicted either and hats off to Rita for her efforts. I have logged commplaints to the mayors office, roads, mto and countless other offices including companies using the main street. One company (Jim Brown Trucking) even told me that if i didn’t like it then i should move. Depsite the fact that millions were spent on the bypass for Alliston there continutes to be CONSTANT truck traffic on Victoria Street as well. Cattle trucks 4xs daily to mention just one example. Like Rita I presented my frustration to council last year and too like Rita have to been told that they will take it under advisement. As taypayers we are the customer here – when is someone ever going to listen to us. Excuses, excuses.