May 26, 2023 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
United Way Simcoe Muskoka has announced the release of “YOUR Community, YOUR United Way,” the organization’s Strategic Plan for 2023-2026.
Over the past several months, the United Way has engaged with the community to understand best how we can deliver on their charitable mission; “To improve lives and build communities.”
The plan builds up identified areas of success while focusing on some new ways the United Way Simcoe Muskoka can support social inclusion efforts and poverty reduction strategies across the communities it serves.
The United Way is committed to transitioning people from poverty to possibility, inspiring kids to be all they can be, and advocating for healthy people and strong communities.
To support these three priorities, the United Way will focus its efforts and resources on the following strategic themes over the next three years:
Building their own internal capacity to meet the community’s needs, increase awareness of United Way’s impact on the communities they serve, strengthen communities through strategic funding and partnership opportunities, and affect long-term systemic change through advocacy and education.
“We are confident that by adopting this plan, your United Way can increase our efforts to promote social inclusion and reduce poverty across Simcoe Muskoka,” said Brian Shelley, chief executive and philanthropy officer of the United Way Simcoe Muskoka.