
Using different modalities to find your true Divine Being

January 8, 2016   ·   0 Comments

“Shine bright like a diamond”. Rhianna said it in her hit song of the same name (Diamond), and Shannon Wickler-Vogt lives the mantra in her everyday life – passing along light, love and gratitude everywhere she goes.
Shannon is the owner of Divine Being Holistic Healing Therapies of Beeton. She offers massage, hot stone massage, reflexology, aroma therapy, chakra balancing and cleansing, nutritional counselling, Reiki healing, sound vibrational healing and much more.
She is also a mother and a wife and an excellent human being.
About a year ago, Shannon opened her home-based business. Having previously worked in the construction industry, she was sick, literally, of being surrounded by negativity and complaining, and knew working for herself – spreading her gift of gratitude – was her calling.
Over the past 12 months, Shannon has developed a devoted client-base, and although she also works at the Hockley Valley Resort Spa, she is hoping that business will continue to grow, so she can offer her services from home 5-days a week.
“My ultimate goal is to have a storefront in Beeton,” Shannon told The Times. “That would be awesome.”
Although Shannon’s services don’t require any additional square footage beyond the designated treatment room in her home, her extensive line of health and wellness products need to be showcased.
Recently, Shannon participated in the ReNew New Tecumseth ‘BullPen’ television event, where she went head-to-head with four other small/start-up business owners for a chance to win her own business location. The program, founded by Lisa Morrison through a Trillium grant, places new business owners into darkened storefronts for a low monthly fee – in order to keep our downtown core bright, and to give would-be business owners a fighting chance to get off the ground.
Unfortunately, Shannon didn’t win the 2015 BullPen, but she did make many new clients from the evening, including this writer.
Once Shannon is able to expand, she plans to offer life essential services in addition to her treatments and wellness products, including family and couple therapy and workshops for children.
“I live in an abundance of gratitude and humility – all that keeps coming to me is for that reason. I’m so grateful to be living my life’s purpose, a purpose of a positive and loving nature,” she said.
Shannon hasn’t always been the positive person she is today. After years of losses, she says she “went off the deep end”, and asked the Universe to help realign her true self.
After working with a doctor of natural medicine, Dr. Andrea Basedow of Palgrave, Shannon realized she’d found a kindred.
“I went to her for years, and she helped me to realign with my higher self,” Shannon said. “After realizing my true life’s purpose, I knew I needed to help people on their journey, as I had been helped by Dr. Basedow.”
Shannon began studying holistic modalities and took a one year private course with Dr. Basedow. She then went on to finish certificate programs in Reiki, Reflexology and Aromatherapy.
Soon, Shannon found herself surrounded by a new, white light of hope and her despair had broken.
Trusting in the Universe, she left her construction job behind and took a leap of well-guided faith into the business she now runs alone.
Offering services for all ages – from newborn to the elderly – Shannon uses her medical intuition and guidance from the angels to suggest treatment alternatives, and perform her healing arts.
“To be in service to others without expectation and to send out love, that’s what it’s all about for me now,” she said.
Shannon’s son, Tanner, age six and a half, is also showing signs of psychic enlightenment, and has created his own line of health care products that he calls, ‘Gratitude’. Tanner developed the product line using lavender and vanilla essential oils, two of his favourite scents.
“Anything I sell with the Gratitude label is his,” Shannon said. “A portion of the proceeds from all sales goes to Earth Rangers, a program dear to Tanner’s heart, and other charities.”
Welcoming her clients into her home, Shannon says that she keeps her own heart safe by trusting in her angels, and smudging (burning sage) after each visit. She also uses the vibration found in crystals and daily meditation to keep her protected.
“I have positivity filters in place to protect myself from negative energy too,” Shannon said. “I use mirrors to visualize negative energy bouncing back to where it came from with love, without negative intentions.”
Pricing for Shannon’s services vary, and she says she often treats kids under three for free.
“I want people to have access to natural healing modalities without it being a financial burden. Yes, I need to make money so I can help others (by creating more products) but it’s not my main goal,” she said.
Shannon Wickler-Vogt, owner of Divine Being of Beeton, can be reached at 416 436-6408 or by e-mail to Her website, is currently being expanded.

By Wendy Gabrek

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