
Walk–A–Dog–A–Thon raises $4169

June 21, 2013   ·   0 Comments

The Alliston & District Humane Society can be reached at 705 458-9038. Please call if you have lost or found an animal. The annual Walk-A-Dog-A-Thon held at Earl Rowe Provincial Park raised $4169 for the animals. Thank you to all the sponsors, participants, volunteers and of course the dogs who helped make this event a success. The shelter and foster homes are full to maximum capacity with cats and kittens. No more can be taken in at this time.

Cat Adoptions

$120 neutered, dewormed, vaccinated, microchipped and litter box trained.

Marla – Two-year-old. Calico tabby. DSH. S/F. Beautiful markings. 705-435-2851.

Bates – Three-year-old. Orange and white tabby. DSH. N/M. Friendly.705-435-2851.

Marmie and Josephine – Mother and daughter. Calico and calico tabby. DSH. Both spayed. Very bonded must go together.705-435-2851.

Cyrus – Five-year-old. White. DLH. N/M. Personality plus! 705-435-2851.

Kittens Adoptions

$60 First vaccinations, dewormed and litter trained.

Nine-week-old.Two brown tabbies and one black. DSH. Female. 905-936-3689.

Nine-week-old. Black and black and white. DSH. Males and females. 705-435-2851.

Dog Adoptions

$240 neutered, dewormed, vaccinated and microchipped.

Sadie – Three-years-old. Puggle cross. S/F. Super friendly. Loves people. Gets along well with other dogs. 705-458-9038.

Found Dogs

Black and white. Mixed breed. Intact male. Red Collar. 4th Line. Tottenham.

Hound/Retriever cross. Brown. Choke chain. Intact male. 8th Line of Adjala South of the 5th Sideroad.

Two Beagles. One tri-coloured female and one brown and white female. 12 Concession, Cookstown.

Shiba Inu. Gold coloured. Concession 4 and 5th Sideroad, just south of Everett.

Lost Dogs

Amos – Black and tan hound. N/M. 120 pounds. Leather collar with tags. Microchipped.Sauble Beach.

Bandit – Small  Lab size. Blonde. Curly hair. Long fuzzy tail. Red collar. N/M. Highway 26, Stayner.

Pattie – Dachshund. Brown. Elderly female. Rosemont.

Charlie – Bichon Maltese cross. White. N/M. Microchipped. Brown collar with ID. 2nd Concession and Tottenham Road.

German Shepherd. Black and tan. Intact Male. Broken chain attached. Townline of Mulmur and Clearview, Township. Near Honeywood.

Lost Cats

Grey tabby. DSH.  Flat ears. Scabs on body.Intact male. Essa and Heydon Streets, Alliston.

Black with white under belly. Declawed. Male. DSH. Centre and Thomas Street, Beeton.

Layla – Tabby, white brown and orange.DSH. Black freckle on side of nose. Spayed female. Microchipped. Mitchell and Cunning Drive, Alliston.

Grey tabby. DSH. N/M. Short tail. Kate Aitken and Dayfoot. Beeton.

Oliver – Brown tabby with white on belly. White patch near end of tail. DSH. Intact male. Church Street east of Tupper, Alliston. $200 Reward.

Found Cats

Black. DSH. Female. Ivy.

Brown tabby.DSH. Intact male. Green eyes. Kink in tail. 4th Concession, Tottenham.

White. DLH. Female. Declawed. Blue eyes. Large lump on side. Highway 50, Loretto.

Dark black tabby. White chest and legs. Extra toes. N/M. DSH. Hogback Road, New Lowell.

Grey/brown tabby. Four white feet. DSH. White chest. Intact male. Margaret Avenue, Concession 3 and 5th Sideroad, Everett.

White chest. Brown back, tail and ear. DSH. Intact male. Concession 3, Adjala.


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