
Warden’s Column – Transportation Master Plan

June 14, 2013   ·   0 Comments

With 4,800 square kilometers of land to traverse, transportation in Simcoe County is never a one-size-fits all solution. Whether you walk, drive, bike, or take public transit, there is no shortage of ways to travel within our borders.

The County of Simcoe is currently in the process of updating its 2008 Transportation Master Plan, which will look at developing an integrated transportation network that continues to focus on many items including transit services, nodes, and active transportation.

The County’s significant growth and development, coupled with an increasing number of seasonal residents and tourists present unique challenges to transportation issues in Simcoe County. The updated Transportation Master Plan will look at establishing a comprehensive and adaptable long-term transportation strategy that considers our vast geography, growing permanent and seasonal residents, and expanding economy.

The 2008 Transportation Master Plan provided the necessary framework for planned transportation in Simcoe County for the next 25 years; it really tackled the “big picture” of transportation in Simcoe County. The updated plan will delve deeper into our transportation needs and look at solutions such as multiple transit options, active transportation connectivity, a comprehensive network of motorized and non-motorized transportation nodes, and transportation alternatives such as carpooling to decrease reliance on single-occupant vehicles.

An important component of updating the plan is to hear what residents think of our current transportation systems in Simcoe County and how they can be enhanced.

Ask yourself a few simple questions. What is your main mode of transportation? Do you have alternatives available to you? Can you travel easily from one municipality to the other using public transportation? How comfortable are you navigating Simcoe County on a bicycle?

These are the types of questions the County’s Planning Department wants to ask you. They are hosting four Public Information Centres to educate residents on the Transportation Master Plan update and to gather any comments or suggestions on how the plan can be improved.

One Public Information Centre has already passed, but three more are coming up on Monday June 3 at the Town of Collingwood Public Library from 5:30-8:30 p.m. from 5:30-8:30 p.m., Thursday June 6 at the Town of Midland Public Library from 5:30-8:30 p.m., and Saturday June 8 during Wheels and Tracks in Motion at the Simcoe County Museum from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. There will be a second round of Public Information Centres in the County.

If you can’t attend one of the Public Information Centres, an online questionnaire is available at

The updated Transportation Master Plan is scheduled to be presented to County Council for approval in fall 2014.

By Cal Patterson, Warden, Simcoe County


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