
“We want our village back”

July 31, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

Please mark your calendar for Monday August 25th, at 7 p.m. and plan to attend town council chambers at 10 Wellington Street East, in Alliston. Come out and make your concerns heard!

We see them every day; Gibson’s, Inland Iron and Metal, XTL, Kingsway and loaded Dump trucks (with attached ponies) too many to mention, take over the main streets of what was once a safe, quiet, tranquil village.

The exception to this rule was Beeton businesses; W.D. Potato, Dorsey’s and trucks making deliveries to their customers.

About a year ago, a number of concerned citizens appealed to Beeton councillor Richard Norcross to help protect our streets after two people were seriously injured crossing the street. He had a stop sign put up at the corner of Main and Tecumseth – causing more, not less problems. Home owners expressed outrage and damage to their home’s foundation as let’s face it…the last time that the infrastructure of the roads was updated was more than 40 years ago, and we have an aged sewage system just waiting to self-destruct.

Over the past two years, I have witnessed Main Street actually sink about 2 inches, with long deep cracks and crevices growing like a web across the street. We can only imagine the unseen damage occurring underground.

These steel and iron 18 wheelers; break the speed limits, use “jake” brakes at 2 a.m. (just to make sure that we are awake) run red lights, block people’s driveways to grab a coffee), give you “the bird” as you try to back out of your driveway, blare their horns if you slow down to make a turn, spray gravel and dirt in their wake, damage overhead light standards and make it dangerous for local traffic, pedestrians, children, cyclists and seniors on motorized scooters from navigating our streets safely.

Just last week, I counted 42 loaded tractor trailers and dump trucks in a 30 minute period using our Main Street as a shortcut on their runs. Did not New Tecumseth literally spend millions on a bypass for the truck traffic from Honda? What happened to the restricted load signs that were posted at either end of town? Mr. Norcross, what happened to the help you promised? Looks like the needs and safety of Tottenham and Alliston citizens are more important than those of Beeton and the rural home owners.

Please, if we don’t take action now, this blight will only continue to grow and guess who’s taxes will increase when the roads and infrastructure need repair, or when our home’s devalue because of damaged foundations or worst if one of our citizens is injured or killed.   For what? To help companies make a profit on our loss.

Diane Frith


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