
What happened to the Progressives and the Conservatives in Harper’s Party?

June 27, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

Canadians want real political leadership. There should be a better federal strategy for national health, effective programmes based on the spirit of the Kelowna Accord to address the needs of our First Nations and a detailed 2050 economic and environmental vision for Canada.

We need a Prime Minister interested in keeping our economy globally competitive rather than delivery of alienating foreign policies based on his own ideological worldview.

The Liberal Party nationally will deliver government policies forged through the power of discussion rather than the weakness of dogma. Solutions to problems require facts, compromise and civility as the healthy inputs required to design and implement viable consistent solutions to address Canada’s complex government policy needs at a complex point in time.

The Liberal Party in Simcoe-Grey is committed to a diversified globally competitive economy founded on the key principle of sustainable prosperity.

Sustainability in local terms must include controlling loss of agricultural land, preservation of biodiversity and protection of our air and water.

Prosperity must be based on preserving the best of Canada’s industrial capacity as well as positioning our education system and economy to successfully compete in a century where technology is moving faster than most of us can type.

The newspapers and television news that we rely on indicate there are serious environmental challenges worldwide and serious problems locally with our economy.

We now unfortunately wake up wondering whether Harper and his team in the Conservative caucus will be promoting Jell-O or Mud wrestling.

Unfortunately the so called, Conservative or Harperland Party still prefers wasting tax payers’ money on ads and 1500 public relations staff to generate spin for the Canadian public and sending insults to the competence and integrity of our national and local media.

Leadership is made of better stuff.

The National Post’s columnist John Ivison wrote recently: “Such is the anger in Parliament, amplified tenfold on the swivel-eyed, partisan loonfest that is Twitter, it is easy to see how societies slip into positions of such radical polarization that they start killing each other with broadswords.…As John Stuart Mill once said, it is natural that a party of order and stability and parties of progress and reform don’t agree, but they are essential elements of a healthy state.”

Cause and effect are important scientific relationships that our local Member of Parliament as a Doctor appreciates.

The root cause of this “loonfest” is the removal of Progressive spirit and the demise of the originally noble Conservative traditions that once governed the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada.  The effect is that the current “RoC” or Reform over Conservative dynamics fosters bizarre objectives that demand a more accurate but new label for the Harper Conservatives as the “Canadian Tea Party”.  Canadians deserve better than this adulterated version of the Tea Party but sadly will have to wait till 2015 to change the government.

Happy Canada Day.

John Gruetzner

President of Simcoe–Grey Federal Liberal

Riding Association

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