
Where does Leitch stand on wasteful mailings?

June 6, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

Word is out that Conservatives plan to use your tax dollars to mail their juvenile propaganda against Justin Trudeau to your home. Will MP Kellie Leitch sink to that level? The answer is in the mail.

By now you’ve probably seen the TV commercials. In them, the Conservatives use out-of-context fabrications and falsehoods to try to smear the new Liberal leader. Liberals instead are responding with a positive campaign that introduces Canadians to the real Justin Trudeau, focused on his plans to fight for middle-class families and for all those who are working so hard to join the middle-class.

But Conservatives plan to use their Parliamentary mailing and printing privileges to put their ugly message in taxpayer-funded pamphlets to be distributed across the country. This is a gross misuse of tax dollars that should be going toward constructive public discussion of public issues, not partisan character assassination.

At least 19 Conservative backbenchers have had the courage to reject this wasteful and dishonest abuse. They say it’s beneath their standards. But what about your MP?

Ms. Leitch has a choice—she can choose to say no to Stephen Harper and refuse to clutter your mailbox with this abusive material, or knuckle under. Which will it be?

Ralph Goodale MP

Deputy Leader of the

Liberal Party of Canada


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