May 17, 2017 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
After an opening week that had more rain than sun and caused the postponement of quite a few games the North Dufferin Baseball League is starting to get their opening outings in the record books.
The Alliston Athletics had to postpone their home opener on May 7, when playing conditions at Riverdale Park just weren’t up to snuff.
The season finally got under way for the Alliston team when the travelled to Barrie on Sunday, May 14, for a double-header against the Barrie Angels at Dana Field.
The first game of the day got under way with a 12 p.m. start.
Recording their first win of the season the Athletics left the diamond with a one run lead to win the game 7-6.
The second game of the day started at 2 p.m.
The Athletics ran into some defensive trouble when the Barrie squad managed to get the bats moving.
The game ended with an 11-1 win for the Barrie team to give the Athletics and early 1-1 record for the season.
With most the teams in on the NDBL only have one or two games in this season, there is no real leader in the standings yet.
The Creemore Braves and Clearview Oriols have both managed to win two games with the Orangeville Giants, Bolton Brewers, Lisle Astros, Aurora Jays, Barrie Angels, and Mansfield Cubs all recording a single win so far for the season.
The Athletics have six road games in a row on the schedule before returning to their home diamond at Riversdale Park.
The squad will host the Aurora Jays on Sunday, May 28, with an evening game.
The first pitch is scheduled for 8 p.m. under the lights.