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Enhanced vaccine certificate now required for Town facilities

January 7, 2022   ·   0 Comments

In keeping with Provincial guidelines, the Town of New Tecumseth will now require an enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code for persons entering town facilities where proof of vaccination is required.

The new rules went into effect on January 4.

The code will also be required to enter restaurants and some other establishments. These include bars, nightclubs, theatres, gyms, meeting and event spaces, and sports and recreational facilities.

Those with eligible medical exemptions from vaccinations will also need to provide a QR code.

As of January 10, organizations and businesses where proof of vaccination is required will no longer be allowed to accept physician notes to show medical exemptions.

According to a federal website, the QR code will include your full name and date of birth, and your COVID-19 vaccination history, including the number of doses, the vaccine type, product name, lot number, and the dates you received your vaccination.

Once you obtain your new QR code, you can provide it though a mobile device or on paper by printing the PDF file that includes the QR code.

The proof of vaccination shows only a record of your vaccination status. It does not expose any of your other health data.

If you cannot provide your proof of vaccination with QR code at required facilities, you will be denied entry to those places.

You can get a copy of your vaccination code by visiting and completing the required information.

Once completed, you can download a PDF version to make a print copy or download and electronic version through the vaccination portal.

By Brian Lockhart
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

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