General News

Fishing in Ontario – what to know

April 13, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

It’s a popular pastime around the province, but if you like to get outdoors and do some fishing, you will need to know the rules for angling in Ontario lakes and rivers.

To hunt and fish in Ontario, you will need a valid Outdoors Cards and a valid hunting or fishing license. An Outdoors Card is a plastic, wallet-sized identification card issued by the provincial government that allows you to hunt or fish. You are required to carry this card with you at all times while hunting or fishing.

If you are under the age of 18 or over the age of 65, you do not need to purchase an Outdoors Card or license to fish. However, you will need to carry your government-issued identification with you that shows your name and date of birth at all times when fishing. This ID acts as your license to fish if you belong to one of these age groups.

If you are a veteran or active Canadian Armed Forces member, you can fish for free in Ontario. You must still follow the rules regarding fishing season, quotas, and limits associated with a sport fishing license.

If you plan on fishing for a single day only, you do not need an Outdoors Card, but you will need a one-day sport fishing license.

While fishing in Ontario, you must follow the catch and possession limits. These rules determine when and where you can fish, the species, size and number of fish you can keep, what you can use for bait and tackle, and what you can and cannot do in specific locations.

Before you go fishing, you should learn the rules about fishing for the location you will be at. Ontario is divided into 20 zones. Each zone has different rules regarding fishing seasons, limits, and restricted areas.

If you are planning to take your catch home for dinner, you should consult provincial guidelines on fish consumption as fish contain contaminants as a result of several sources that may be nearby or thousands of kilometers away.

Check the provincial guideline to determine how much fish you can consume safely.

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