April 7, 2022 · 0 Comments
Students applying to enter a university, college or apprenticeship program may apply for the Town of New Tecumseth’s Mayor’s Student Bursary Program.
The bursary is open to students attending Banting Memorial High School, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School, or any other accredited educational institution in New Tecumseth.
The Mayor’s Student Bursary Program will provide student bursaries in the amount of $2,000 each, up to $24,000 annually.
The funds are supplied through the net proceeds of the Mayor’s Charity Event or as recommended by the Committee for Council approval.
Additional funds may also be provided to youth groups and organizations or other projects that provide educational, community service, or athletic opportunities benefiting youth as Council may deem appropriate, if there is a surplus of funds once the annual bursaries have been awarded.
To be eligible, a student must be graduating from the two high schools or equivalent, and have scholastic achievement high enough to gain acceptance to the post-secondary school they have chosen.
An application must be completed and submitted with proof of acceptance into either a university, college, or apprenticeship program.
A copy of the current year’s transcript must be made available to confirm scholastic achievement, along with information relating to community programs, organizations, and volunteer activities, as well as hobbies, interests and employment information.
You should also include personal letters of reference supporting the bursary application.
The student must complete a 500-word essay on the topic of their educational aspirations and goals with any extracurricular activities, community involvement and work experience, as well as explain how the bursary would assist in their future educational aspirations and goals.
All applications must be submitted by the first Monday in May of the graduating year.
A Review Tasks Force consisting of the Mayor, Clerk, Director of Parks Recreation and Culture, and one member from the Alliston & District Chamber of Commerce and one member from the Tottenham Beeton Chamber of Commerce, will review all applications and make recommendations to Council.
Bursaries will be awarded at a Council meeting to the students by June 30 each year.
The bursary will only be applied to the post-secondary institution in the year in which the bursary was awarded.
If, due to an unforeseen reason related to a pandemic and/or health reason, the student is unable to attend class within the graduating year or the course in which they were registered for is cancelled in the graduating year, a request for transfer of the bursary to another school or postponement of bursary can be submitted together with proof by school of the cancellation of the course or proof of health reason to the Clerk’s Department for consideration.
Upon consideration and if approved, a postponement will be permitted to the following year.
All nomination packages will be addressed to Mayor’s Student Bursary Program, c/o Office of the Clerk / Director of Administration Services, at Town Hall.
Nomination packages can be received by mail, email, or dropped off in person.
By Brian Lockhart