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Renewing your driver’s licence, OHIP, or firearms licence on-line

September 1, 2022   ·   0 Comments

If you have a birthday coming up, it’s time to take a look at all those plastic cards you carry around to see if any of them are going to expire.

You should check your driver’s licence, health card, and firearms licence – all have expiry dates.

Renewing your driver’s licence can now be done on-line by visiting the Service Ontario website.

You will need to enter your driver’s license number, your postal code, and your seven-digit Trillium number found on the back or front of your license.

You can renew on-line if you have a full license that isn’t cancelled, suspended, or expired for more than 12 months, you haven’t updated your address within the last 90 days, you don’t need vision, written, or road tests, you’re not removing a vision condition, you have no new medical conditions that may prevent you from driving, and you don’t have outstanding fines.

You will get a temporary licence via e-mail that you can print. You must carry this with you until you receive your new licence.

The cost is $90 for a five-year licence.

Renewing your Ontario Health Card is free.

You can renew on-line if you are renewing your driver’s licence at the same time.

If you renew your health card in person, you can visit an Ontario Service Centre. You should bring your current health card, proof of Ontario residency and personal identity. If your Canadian Citizenship or immigration status has changed since receiving your current health care, you must bring your most recent citizenship or immigration document.

If you applying under a new married name for the first time, you must bring a copy of your marriage certificate.

If you have a firearms licence (PAL) that is going to expire, you can now register on-line.

However, a firearms licence is not a provincial issue and must be issued by the RCMP.

A PAL must be renewed every five years. A PAL means you can own and possess a shotgun or rifle. If you have a handgun in Canada, you need a registration certificate for restricted and prohibited firearms.

Usually, if you are in possession of a firearm, you need a licence even if you are not the owner and never handle the weapon.

You can visit the RCMP website to learn about renewing your licence on-line.

By Brian Lockhart

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