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Sophia’s Magical Quest helps with mindset, and teaches life lessons at any age

December 6, 2019   ·   0 Comments

Lisa Toste, a life coach and mindset expert usually works with “Wall Street-types” and hedge-fund millionaires helping them to make better choices and use a magical mindset to create an amazing life. But, what if she had of spoken with them sooner? That’s the idea that sparked her new book, Sophia’s Magical Quest, co-written with her daughter, Sophia-Rosa Toste.

The book is the tale of a young girl who feels lost in her own life. Struggling to blend in while giving away her power to the popular girls, Sophia (named for the co-author) meets three fairies in three different world locations, who help her identify who she is and put together a plan to help her achieve her goals.

The book has a few major twists, and is followed by a notes and workbook section, so readers, now inspired, can make a plan to change their own lives.

On Saturday, November 29, Lisa and Sophia-Rosa held a book signing and author meet-and-greet at Divine Being, owned by Shannon Wickler, in Beeton. The authors, also Beetonians, brought their friend Lynn, “Coral the Fairy” (one of the fairies from Toste’s book), and daughter Sophia came in costume too – playing “Tulip the Fairy”, the book’s main character counterpart.

Sophia’s Magical Quest took a year-and-a-half to write, with mother and daughter only sitting down to work when they were in a happy mindset.

“Before we began the book, we made a vision board, so we had direction with the storyline,” Toste told The Times. 

Items on their vision board included the statements:

• “We want to inspire 1,000 girls to think differently”

• “We want to create memories together”

• “We want to have fun”

• “I want to teach Sophia about blessings”

• “We want our book to inspire change”

Toste wanted to work with her daughter to learn more about her life, while also teaching her a bit more about what she does for a living, and the roll off effect her book has created has been more than she could have imagined.

“Although we looked to kids aged nine to 13 for common issues facing their age group, I have adults buying this book for themselves now,” Toste said, “and buying it for their employees.”

Toste says the books popularity may stem from the “tiny to-do lists”, or small action items listed in the workbook section, and small actions can equal big change.

“Sophia [the book’s protagonist] is struggling with needing to be the best, while bowing down to the popular girls. She wants to be a writer but feels like she shouldn’t or couldn’t make her dreams come true. Tulip, a fairy, speaks to her about the Vault of Possibilities and spreading her own message in the world using “I AM” statements, vision boards and learning appreciation for imperfect actions – something that anyone, no matter how old they are, can learn from,” said Toste.

At the end of the book, Sophia is already a winner for just being open to new concepts, and making room for positive change.

“This book is dedicated to all the wonderful girls in the world and those who are guiding them,” reads the dedication page in Toste’s book. “The intention of this book is to help inspire you to never dim your light – to sparkle every day and be your magical self. Your true power comes from within and can never be taken away. Go create the life of your dreams and, in doing so, you will help change the world. Go shine, girl! You are loved.”

Toste’s book is on sale at Diving Being on Main Street, Beeton, or by email to and online at

Toste is also the author of the book Hustle+Flow=Success

By Wendy Gabrek

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