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Alliston Curling Club celebrates Trillium Grant that funded renovations

October 27, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The Alliston Curling Club is looking a little brighter with building renovations as well as new furnishings and appliances, thanks to a Trillium Grant of $98,600.

The club celebrated the funding with a gathering on Friday, Oct. 20, with visits from local dignitaries and Brian Saunderson, MPP for Simcoe-Grey.

“We received a Trillium Grant and used it to purchase things the upgrade the club,” explained Susan Froud, president of the Alliston Curling Club. “Part of that money will be used to purchase new rocks for the club. We have new chairs, and windows, new doors and a new cooler in the kitchen and a new dishwasher. We also have new scoreboards and upgrades for the ice equipment.”

The Alliston Curling Club has been operating for around 120 years and is a mainstay of activity in the town.

“I want to thank the volunteers because those grant applications aren’t simple, they take a lot of work and it’s volunteers that really make a club like this work,” said MPP Saunderson. “It’s the volunteers that animate the club and make it so strong, and you have a strong history. Congratulations on the funding, I know you’ll use it well.”

The club is also celebrating Team Froud’s CurlOn Senior Women’s Ontario Championship win. The team will be travelling to Vernon, B.C., to compete nationally.

“This team is very special to me,” said Gerry Sundwall, director of Curling Ontario, during a presentation of the championship banner. “I have known them for a very long time as curlers and more importantly as friends.”

Susan Froud, who is the skip on the senior team, said the team is looking forward to the national competition.

“We are very excited to be representing Ontario and the Alliston Curling Club at the nationals that will be held in Vernon, B.C., in December,” Ms Froud said. “We can’t wait to get out there and show our stuff and bring back the next banner.”

With the new renovations and addition of new chairs, the club is looking forward to expanding and offering their space to other groups as a rental facility.

The club offers a variety of curling, from recreational to more serious league play.

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