
Beeton Lawn Bowling Club gets $15,300 for equipment from Trillium Grant

June 8, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The Beeton Lawn Bowling Club is celebrating their 91st anniversary, and a grant of $15,300 from the Ontario Trillium Foundation will help them continue to operate at their Beeton location by the Fairgrounds.

The club used the provincial funding to purchase a greens shaver mower and a de-thatcher machine.

Lawn bowling is played on very close-cut grass, similar to a golf putting green, and the machines provide the ability to trim and maintain the grass court.

“The impact of Ontario Trillium Foundation grants cannot be overstated,” said Debbie Morrison, president of Beeton Lawn Bowling Club. “The 2022 grant supported the purchase of required maintenance greens equipment and several previous OTF grants have given us funds to do such things as install an irrigation system necessary in today’s climate. Good green playing conditions is the club’s main asset, without which there would be no lawn bowling club. Other OTF grans over the years have provided greens lighting, renovated washrooms and replaced old playing equipment.”

The club is always looking for new members and invites people out to try the sport.

“The Beeton Lawn Bowling Club has been a positive addition to our community, residents, and visitors for a remarkable 91 years,” said New Tecumseth Mayor Richard Norcross, who attended the cheque presentation from the Trillium Foundation along with other town councillors. “People of all ages and experiences benefit from the club and enjoy the sport, both recreationally and competitively. Generations of families have had the pleasure of enjoying the physical activity, comradery, and social benefits that the club has brought to our community.”

Members of the club, along with local dignitaries and a representative of the Trillium Foundation, gathered at the Club on Saturday, June 1, to celebrate the club’s anniversary and receive the funds from the grant.

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