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Headwaters celebrates 25 years at Rolling Hills Drive site

May 12, 2022   ·   0 Comments

Headwaters Health Care Centre (HHCC) marked a significant milestone in the hospital’s history on Tuesday, May 3, celebrating the 25th anniversary of their site on Rolling Hills Drive.

“Over the past 25 years, Headwaters has continued to grow and evolve to meet the changing needs of the communities we serve,” said Kim Delahunt, president and CEO of Headwaters Hospital. “We are so proud of our history of providing health care services close to home for our community and we will continue to adapt as we look ahead to the next 25 years.”

While celebrations were low-key this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Headwaters brought together key figures from its history both past and present on Friday, April 28, at the hospital’s main entrance in a reunion to honour the quarter century anniversary.

Among the attendees at Friday’s reunion where three instrumental people in developing the Rolling Hills Drive site: Nancy Ross, former president and CEO; Dr. Gord Willans, former hospital chief of staff; and Lynn Gibson, former mayor of Mono and hospital board chair.

Speaking with The Citizen, Ross affectionally refers to their trio as the “three legs of the stool”.

“I haven’t been back; this is the first time. It’s very heartening that I was able to be part of this, and then see that it grew and became this amazing facility,” said Ross. “It still is what we hoped it would be. I’m very grateful that I was a part of it along with Dr. Willans and Lynn Gibson.”

A medical specialist with Orangeville’s original hospital, Dr. Gord Willans helped develop many of the early services that are now staples within Headwaters. Services he’s credited with helping bring to the local hospital include outpatient services, cancer care, and the intensive care unit.

“I’m very proud of what our community has done health wise, both professional and as a patient,” said Dr. Willans.

The Orangeville-based hospital has had a long history that now spans over a century.

The first hospital in Orangeville opened in 1912 as the Lord Dufferin Hospital and came into existence after 53 women founded the Lord Dufferin Chapter of the IODE charitable organization and raised over $7,000 that was needed to set up the hospital.

During this time, they also established a training school for nurses.

While the IODE transferred governance of the hospital to a board of local community members in 1954, 42 years after originally establishing it, the charitable group to this day continues to fundraise for the hospital.

“We have been raising money and helping the hospital any way we can as well as other organizations locally,” said Jessica Cerveny, president of the Lord Dufferin IODE Chapter. “It’s been an amazing pleasure being around for so long and being involved in the community.”

In January of 1993, Shelburne District Hospital voluntarily amalgamated with the renamed Dufferin Area Hospital becoming known as the Dufferin-Caledon Health Care Corporation.

A new hospital opened at 100 Rolling Hills Drive on May 3, 1997, and in October 2002, was officially changed to Headwaters Health Care Centre (HHCC).

Since opening in 1997, Headwaters has undergone various upgrades. Most recently, it saw the construction of an 8,000 square foot Ambulatory Care Centre, which opened in 2017 to provide high demand clinics and programs such as dialysis, chemotherapy, minor procedures, orthopedics, and plastics.

Headwaters is keeping with the celebration of their milestone anniversary with “Cheers to 25 Years” content including videos, stories, and baby photos from the last quadranscentennial.

The public is encouraged to continue sharing their stories and photos with the hospital.

By Paula Brown

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