September 8, 2022 · 0 Comments
It has been a free-wheeling summer with lots of fun activities happening and a really great season weather-wise.
However, as of this week, the schools are once again back in session and kids have to buckle down and get back to their studies.
That means lots of kids will be walking to school and using crosswalks near school zones.
While these areas have been quiet over the summer and motorist have gotten used to not seeing students or groups on the street, expect to see a lot more activity around schools especially at the start and end of every school day.
That means motorist will have to pay extra attention when approaching school zones or crosswalks.
At the start of the school year, it is common to see police in the area of crosswalks and near school zones watching for motorists who drive above the speed limit in school zones and put children at risk.
The speed limits in school zones are clearly posted and must be adhered to.
When approaching a cross-walk, you should watch for children on the sidewalk and observe the crossing guard closely.
If the guard holds up the stop sign to allow children to cross, you must come to a full stop and wait until everyone has safely crossed the street.
School buses have not been on the road for over two months. They will once again be transporting students and making frequent stops along their route.
When a school bus stops and extends its stop sign, along with flashing red lights, you must come to a full stop at a distance when approaching a school bus, and stop behind it. This includes clearly marked provincial highways.
Passing a school bus with flashing red lights is taken very seriously by the police and the courts. If convicted of passing a school bus with lights flashing, you could face a hefty fine and up to six demerit points.
All these rules are in place to keep children safe when going to school.
Making a mistake in a school zone or when passing a school bus could affect you for the rest of your life.
By Brian Lockhart