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MOD presents the works of artist Steven Volpe in new exhibit

April 28, 2022   ·   0 Comments

The Museum of Dufferin opened a new exhibit on Saturday, April 23, featuring the works of artist Steven Volpe.

An Orangeville resident, Mr. Volpe’s journey to becoming a full-time artist included some important steps along the way including degrees in fine arts and education, a stint as a teacher, and working as a graphic designer. All those roles have influenced and played a significant role in shaping his work.

He sees himself as a part of the tradition of figurative realism but with a decidedly contemporary sensibility.

His works are unique, showing every day, possible occurrences, but with the ability to allow viewers to create their own interpretation of what is going on in the image.

Mr. Volpe is a life-long artist, drawing since he was a child.

“I’ve had the aptitude as long as I can remember,” he explained. “I always drew goalies, hockey players, and cars – all the things that little boys draw and are interested in. I have schooling in it – I have a Bachelor of fine arts. I was always encouraged to do artwork, but there was always that thought that you need something to fall back on. I went to Sheridan College for computer graphic design. A lot of those skills I learned, I use now. I did that for 13 years, and the work was drying up in that area and the company I was working for started downsizing. I thought, it’s now or never, and I started painting again.”

He became a full-time artist and works out of his home studio.

Working in oils and said he prefers the medium because it better allows him to achieve what he wants to do on a canvas.

“I’m trying to put something together to create a work that is thought provoking and gets people to make connections and make associations that they wouldn’t ordinarily do,” Mr. Volpe explained. “I’m not interested in a singular, heavy-handed message. An artist’s work has to evolve, and I’m open to it,” he said of the future of his work. “I think that’s helpful for any artist. In my last few paintings I’ve been exploring optical effects. Inspiration can be based on photographs I’ve taken, or sometimes it’s just an idea that I’ve had and I jot down in a book and re-visit it later. I find that answering a series of questions can be useful in bringing a scene to life. How many people are in the panting? Are they aware of each other? Where are they? Is the view a part of the narrative? What is happening beyond the edges of the canvas?”

Mr. Volpe’s work is featured in the MOD’s Silo Gallery.

His work will be on exhibit through to July 22, 2022.

By Brian Lockhart

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