September 15, 2022 · 0 Comments
Ahead of October’s Municipal Election, the New Tecumseth Times reached out to all Council candidates to learn more about who they are and what they hope to bring to the 2022-2026 Council table.
Here’s how our Ward 1 candidates responded.
Amelia O’Callaghan
Did not respond
Wayne Noye (Incumbent)
I’ve been fortunate to meet so many great people over the years and enjoy helping residents with their concerns. I want to give back to the community and being an experienced Councillor I have the qualifications to do the job and work with others to take on challenges with greater effectiveness.
My top priority for the Town is to build upon the positive work that is already being done.
I want to improve communication to our residents and to let them know that they have a strong advocate with experience in their corner. I want to work with others on larger issues such as preserving the downtown cores to attract tourism.
My main issue in Ward 1 is to complete the Boyne River trail and establish a skate board park.
Terrina Williams
I am running a second time because my residents reached out to me and asked me to run again.
I felt if the people wanted me in the seat last time and are wanting again, they felt as though I would be a better representation of their views and wishes going forward.
The priority is to get a clear picture of the issues left from previous Council taxes, water, roads and listen to the residents to see where they want their money allocated.
John Miller
The reason I am running for Councillor in Ward 1 is because my employment with the Town of New Tecumseth as a Building Official for approximately 30 years has provided me with the unique training, knowledge and insight to understand how the municipality functions.
Proposed issues: Any and all proposed development projects are appropriately designed and in keeping with Town design requirements and ensuring that the municipality has the appropriate level of infrastructure, including equipment and staff required. Ensuring concerns/issues brought to the Town by residents are acknowledged and reviewed in keeping with Town policies. Budgeting of proposed Town projects and Municipality Taxes are conducted with transparency and accountability.
Chris Rapin
Running for Council is the next logical step in my dedication to service in my community.
I have coached many teams, ran several clubs and I have also been on many committees.
Throughout the years I have seen what works, what doesn’t work and what should work. I envision a New Tecumseth that is a leader in community initiative, one that other townships look towards for inspiration.
A priority for our Town is road safety. It seems that there continues to be an increase of speed in residential areas along with frequent failure to stops (at stop signs).
I’d also like to see us get rid of User Pay for child/family recreation. This would mean free public skate and free public swimming.
By Brian Lockhart