September 15, 2022 · 0 Comments
Ahead of October’s Municipal Election, the New Tecumseth Times reached out to all Council candidates to learn more about who they are and what they hope to bring to the 2022-2026 Council table.
Here’s how our Ward 2 candidates responded:
Robert Clements
Did not respond
Wendy Gabrek
Since the Province has identified New Tecumseth as a growth node, change is coming. As such, I believe that this next term of Council is critical.
New Tecumseth needs strong, fresh leaders – people who can see the big picture. My priority for New Tecumseth is centred around the management of our budget and the handling of population growth and urban sprawl while protecting our green spaces. Taxes need to remain manageable so people can afford to live here.
Working with the new term of Council, my goal is to make educated decisions as part of a collective, considering input from our citizens to ensure New Tecumseth remains a vibrant place to stay, play, work and grow.
Jason Bowers
I am running because I want to be a voice of change in our community.
I believe my experience in business will allow me to look at issues in a logical, non-biased way.
Most importantly, I love this community and I want to be a part of assisting in our growth for a better tomorrow.
I believe we need greater transparency in Council particularly around the areas of capital spending.
We need to develop a better plan to tackle the Town’s enormous debt load while minimizing the impact on our communities and I would like to improve and create programs for our youth and seniors especially around mental health and wellness.
Jaison Waldman
We live in a wonderful place and I would like to engage more of the local talents in our community.
New Tecumseth is a wonderful place to live with good infrastructure, but development has been reactionary. We need more action as life changes fast.
New housing and growing families necessitate faster adaptation and evolution.
Supporting innovation in the home businesses can empower and transform. Dream big because together we can grow like Silicon Valley.
Priorities are traffic control, more recreation opportunities and diversified inclusive engagement for seniors and youth. More safe spaces to play, work and innovate with caring support.
By Brian Lockhart