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New waste collection system starts November 1

September 23, 2021   ·   0 Comments

The new County of Simcoe waste collection system will roll out on November 1, and move to a new four-day curbside collection schedule.  

This means that a majority of residents will have a new collection date and time when they roll their carts to the curb for the first time.  

If you haven’t received your new collection carts yet, you should be receiving them within the new few weeks. For most residents, the new collection carts will be left at the end of your driveway.  

Each household will receive three carts and each cart will have a serial number that matches your address.  

There are several helpful resources available to help you determine which day your carts will be picked up.  

You can visit and click on the New Collection Schedule tab, or download the free Simcoe County Collects app on your mobile device to receive reminders and alerts. 

There is a printable map that show collection days as of November 1.  

A new solid waste management calendar will arrive at all County households in mid-September. 

“Our new automated cart system will provide residents with a reliable and sustainable collection service for years to come,” said County of Simcoe warden, George Cornell. “We are confident that the automated system will address labour shortages previously experienced under the manual collection program, but weather impacts in the winter and during periods of extreme heat do occur in Simcoe County. Our new four-day collection schedule is another way that we can help ensure a more consistent service, with the flexibility for our vehicles to return to any missed areas on Fridays so residents no longer have to store their materials for an extra week if missed on their regular collection day.”  

The new automated cart system has several benefits including vertical storage, consolidation of smaller bins, bags, and containers, lids that protect against windblown litter and protection from animals. 

The system is also safer system for workers on the collection routes.  

By Brian Lockhart
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

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