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Nominate your favourite business for the South Simcoe Business awards

March 16, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The 2023 South Simcoe Business Excellence Awards, hosted by Nottawasaga Futures, will be presented on May 24.

The awards recognize excellence, outstanding achievement, and customer satisfaction in small, medium, and large businesses throughout South Simcoe.

Anyone can participate by nominating businesses in one of seven categories.

The categories include:

Agricultural – presented to an agricultural enterprise where the principles of running a successful farm or agricultural-related operation are applied, resulting in a flourishing thriving business.

Aspiring Entrepreneur – this category is not open for nominations. The award will be presented to the winner of the Nottawasaga Futures Youth Business Plan competition.

Business Excellence – presented to a business that has contributed significantly to the community’s economic development through its growth and involvement, with a focus on long-term success, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

Community Excellence – honours a business that stands out among those nominated for their outstanding leadership and community involvement and shows an active interest in their community’s civic, cultural, and social welfare.

Customer Service – presented to a business that stands out among those nominated for their outstanding dedication to customer satisfaction.

Entrepreneur – will honour an individual recognized for outstanding achievement in starting, taking over, or substantially changing a profit-making business venture within three years.

New Business – honours a business which has been in operation less than three years.

Youth Entrepreneur – presented to an entrepreneur between the ages of 5 and 29. Key criteria include innovation, successful start-up, and the generation of economic activity.

To nominate a business, call Robin Brown at 705-435-1540 ext. 108, or 800-509-7554, or e-mail robin@nottawasaga.com with the name of the business and the award category. Robin will contact the business directly and send out the application forms.

The deadline for nominations is April 6, 2023.

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