January 13, 2022 · 0 Comments
The Ontario Junior Hockey League has announced plans to complete a full season, including playoffs, despite the temporary pause in hockey action around the province.
“The OJHL is committed to completing a full OJHL regular season and playoff schedule for the 2021-2022 season and we have put together various operation scenarios to allow us to do so,” said Mary Savoy, League Commissioner. “With the current mandated pause, the OJHL has multiple scenarios developed which will allow us to get our full seasons and playoffs in this season.”
All minor and junior hockey in the province came to a suddenly halt on January 5, with the announcement from the provincial government regarding the time-limited modified Phase 2 Reopening of the Province. That included the closing of all indoor recreational and sports facilities.
The mandate does have some exceptions for “elite” athletes.
The OJHL is hoping to have Junior A level hockey included in that classification so they can remain on the ice.
“The League will continue to monitor the direction from the provincial government and will announce any adjustments to the OJHL schedule if or when they may be required,” Mr. Savoy said. “Although the provincial government has not yet declared Junior A hockey within Ontario as elite level of sport, the OJHL is lobbying our various governing bodies in an effort to have this level of the sport included within this classification.”
The OJHL normally has a 54-game season. During the stop in action, each team will be missing seven or eight games.
Plans could include extending the regular season time to include the additional games or slotted them in during the schedule to complete the season.
By Brian Lockhart
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter