June 9, 2022 · 0 Comments
The Tottenham Transmission main is “substantially complete” and will be supplying water to the Town.
The main started supplying water on June 1, and will undergo a two-week monitoring program by the project team.
Once fully commissioned, the main will become the primary water supply in Tottenham and will replace the existing groundwater well supply with the water supply from Alliston/Beeton, which is supplied from Collingwood.
The current existing groundwater wells will be limited to operational and maintenance needs.
This is expected to be needed for a couple of hours each week. The wells will also be used to augment water supply during times of high demand such as long dry periods during the peak summer months.
With the change in the water supply, the Town is cautioning residents that there is a potential for temporary discoloured water that make occur during the switchover.
Town staff have been flushing the existing distribution lines over the past few weeks to assist with removal of legacy manganese and iron form the previous groundwater well supply.
Residents should consider flushing their home hot water tanks.
With the new water supply, there will be a change in the “hardness” of the water.
With that, residents with home water softeners may need to change the settings.
There may also be a potential impact on home dialysis equipment needs for dialysis patients.
If residents have any questions or concerns about the new water supply, they can contact the Town public works department via e-mail at publicworks@newtecumseth.ca, or by telephone at 705-435-3900.
By Brian Lockhart