June 9, 2022 · 0 Comments
You may have seen them out on the greens at the Beeton Lawn Bowling Club during the summer months having a friendly game and getting some fresh air.
The Lawn Bowling Club at the Beeton Fairgrounds is always open to visitors and new members, and it hosted “Try It Day” on Monday, May 30, to encourage local residents to come out and see what the sport is all about.
Several people arrived and tried lawn bowling for the first time alongside regular members who were there to play their weekly games.
Lawn bowling is a sport where weighted balls are bowled on the closely cropped grass green, similar to a golf putting green. The idea is to place your ball as close to the target, called the jack, as possible.
There’s a lot of skill and strategy. Because the balls are weighted on one side, they curve along the path across the green.
The skill is knowing how much they will curve so you can place your ball where you want it to be.
“We’re calling it ‘Try it night,’” explained club president Debbie Morrison. “We have people come out, no charge, and they’ll try it. We’ll give them some basic instruction. We talk to them about the bowls and the weighting – nothing too technical – just the basics. Then they’ll go out and bowl.”
Lawn bowling is a very social sport with players interacting during play.
At the Beeton Club, most of the play is in-house and recreational but there are opportunities to play competition against other clubs.
“We play two nights a week – Monday night and Thursday night – and we’re talking about doing Wednesday during the day again,” Ms. Morrison said. “People can come out and try it on one of those nights. We tried this night to be a little more organized where we can have someone with them giving instruction. This club is mostly recreational but there are tournaments as well that you can enter. The Ontario Lawn Bowling Association hosts tournaments.”
Lawn Bowling is played across the country and world-wide. The sport is huge in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.
For some reason, the sport has developed a reputation as a game for older players. However, it is a sport open to all ages, and younger people can enjoy the camaraderie, social fun, and the skill it takes to play.
The Beeton Lawn Bowling Club is always welcoming to new players.
You can drop by any time you see them out there to learn more about the sport.
By Brian Lockhart