
Toot n Holler event still running strong

May 4, 2016   ·   0 Comments

One of the many large garage sales held in Tottenham and Beeton on Saturday, during the Tottenham Beeton & District Chamber of Commerce Toot n Holler event.


By Wendy Gabrek
The Tottenham Beeton & District Chamber of Commerce (TBDCC) held its annual “Toot n Holler” town-wide garage sale, Saturday, April 30.
The event, a Tottenham tradition for decades (with Beeton joining in the fun over the past three years), is an opportunity for friends and neighbours to emerge after a long winter’s hibernation, and sift through each others previously loved items before large garbage collection.
“In past years, the County had a bulk pick up of household items,” said Ian Witherspoon, realtor at Coldwell Banker Ronan Realty, and TBDCC board member. “People would put out items for pick-up in the weeks before and it was routine for the community to spot things at their neighbours’ curb and ask if they could have it rather than having items go to landfill.”
“The name was originally created by the Tottenham CIA, being the Tottenham Community Improvement Association, whose mandate was beautification of the community, so the Toot n Holler idea was created so residents of the community could raise some money at their own garage sale, and use the money to beautify their own properties. The name was created by a CIA member named Laurie Burns, at one of our CIA meetings,” Witherspoon continued. “The CIA was responsible for initiating the funding for street lights, banners and hanging plants as they are currently seen throughout the village. The Chamber took over the event two years later when the CIA was discontinued and their funds were given to the Chamber, so the Chamber could carry on their work.”
The event continues and has grown bigger and better every year drawing people from all over.
Many of the locals use the event to raise funds for various causes.
“It is an amazing event, and we thank everyone who took part this past weekend,” said Witherspoon.

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