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Town Hall Project experiencing several difficulties during construction

December 1, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The ambitious project to build and complete a new Town of New Tecumseth Administration Centre is experiencing difficulties as reported during the November 28 council Meeting.

Councillor Alan Masters noted the project is having an issue due to supply, as well as the fact that an accident led to the loss of a key person who was overseeing the project. He suggested Council consider “hiring an independent advisor to oversee the finishing and completion of this Town Hall so it’s done in a most efficient and cost-effective way.”

The Town responded that the project has been impacted by ‘labour shortages, labour disruptions, supply chain issues,’ adding that these disruptions are being seen in almost every project similar to problems encountered by other municipalities.

Lead personnel on Town staff have assumed a more active role in the project to fill in for the absence of the supervisor.

It was suggested that the team will report back to council on the status of the project as it continues and will report back more often as the work continues.

The team is working with the contractor and architects to ensure that the project is completed in the most efficient and effective way.

Mayor Richard Norcross said, “We’ll bring new information as we get it, as fast as we get it, and we’ll keep council updated as we go forward.”

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