May 4, 2023 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
The effects of the pandemic and public health restrictions over the past few years have led to a shortage of qualified lifeguards in the province.
As a result, the Town of New Tecumseth has to change the operations at Rotary Pool in Riverdale Park this summer.
“The town’s attempts have been unsuccessful in securing the number of individuals to safely and effectively operate the Rotary Pool as we have in the past. Numerous local municipalities and private facilities are all experiencing the same shortage,” read a report delivered to council at a regular meeting on April 24.
During the pandemic, municipalities and organizations were unable to offer life-guarding courses, which have had a major impact on the number of qualified individuals nationwide.
It is thought that since Rotary Pool operates for only two months per year, many qualified individuals may be seeking opportunities elsewhere to supplement their income.
In a typical year, the town recruits and hires around 20 lifeguards for a full complement of services at the pool. This year, they have only managed to find less than half of the people needed to do the job.
To operate the pool for leisure swims, there are a minimum of three lifeguards needed for rotation on any shift.
The town is now hoping to open the pool on a limited basis.
It was looking at three options.
Those options include opening the pool mid-week, offering public swim times with limited hours, opening the pool for a few weekdays, offering a mix of Aqua Adventures camp, weekly camp swims, and public swim times with limited hours, or keeping the pool closed for the season.
It has been decided to keep the pool open to offer mid-week swims with limited hours.
In 2023, the total cost to operate the Rotary Pool, including staffing, administration, and utilities, is approximately $208,000.
For a normal season, revenues of approximately $91,000 were budgeted, which resulted in an operating deficit of $117,000.