February 29, 2024 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing advised the County of Simcoe that an additional $202 million is being invested through the provincial Homelessness Prevention Program and the Indigenous Supportive Housing Program.
The County of Simcoe received an increased investment of $9,731,400, bringing the annual provincial funding commitment to $21,084,300 by March 31, 2026.
The County’s 10-point Homelessness Prevention Plan includes two primary goals: to reduce chronic homelessness and to provide a data-informed strategy.
The plan aims to produce a more streamlined and flexible approach to funding and services County-wide, commit to new partnerships, and further expand the network of funded services and supports to meet the needs of individuals in all the County’s communities.
There is a continued focus on Coordinated Access to reduce homelessness in all communities.
Infrastructure Canada advised the County of Simcoe of a one-time allocation of 2023/24 Unsheltered Homelessness Response funding.
Staff outlined recommendations for allocating this one-time top-up funding.
Recommendations for allocating the $1,400,952 funding include the acquisition and site preparation for modular structures, resulting in a minimum of 20 net new supportive housing/rapid rehousing units, accommodating 20 to 40 individuals, depending on single or double occupancy.
A future report to Council will outline recommendations for 2024/25 allocations, including funding for operations of these housing units.
For temporary accommodations, there will funding to enhance warming services and the motel voucher program for the period of Nov. 1, to April 30, 2024, to offer alternative options to individuals experiencing homelessness to shelter from inclement weather.
Individuals accessing warming services and the motel voucher program will supported to connect with necessary services and resources.
There will be $60,000 used to fund sub-projects addressing emergency food assistance for those at risk of homelessness.
Projects will support access to healthy food items and supply grocery vouchers and gift cards to those who are currently housed but at risk of homelessness.