May 11, 2023 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
The County of Simcoe is looking for public input to help shape future investments, actions, and solutions for housing across the region.
Feedback will help guide the county’s strategies and supports, ranging from the shelter system to affordable housing to addressing challenges faced by the ‘missing middle’ and programs to assist with home ownership.
The county is working to build further strategies and supports to address housing needs at all income levels using a significant range of regional programs and funding streams.
In March 2023, the county announced that through the support and collaboration of area partners, it surpassed its ten-year housing target by creating 2,755 new units, creating housing for countless people in need since the beginning of the strategy in 2014. The county was proud of this achievement which was reached one year ahead of the original ten-year goal.
Feedback obtained through the new Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy consultation process will help guide and shape the creation of the county’s next ten-year housing strategy while supporting targeted plans for other types of housing or income levels.
The Housing Attainable Supply Action Plan project will identify tactics and strategies that can be implemented in the next five years to increase attainable housing “missing middle” supply provided by the private market in Simcoe County.
The work undertaken as part of this project will look at the market housing supply and delivery system, with a focus on workforce and missing middle housing in Simcoe County. The recommendations will influence an increase in attainable and workforce housing supply within municipal control.
Additionally, some other recommendations may require municipal advocacy.
All housing strategies can be found at, along with an informational video explaining what each strategy is used for and a link to the long-term affordable housing strategy survey.