General News

Stevenson Memorial Hospital reacts to increase in COVID-19 cases

December 4, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Stevenson Memorial Hospital (SMH) is taking action in response to a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in the region.

Effective as of Monday, Nov. 27, the hospital is increasing masking requirements in the building.

Wearing a hospital-provided medical mask will be required in all areas of the hospital, including hallways and common spaces.

The change to the masking protocol comes as the number of COVID-19 cases in the region increases, including outbreaks at health care facilities, long-term care facilities, and retirement homes.

“SMH is a mask-friendly, inclusive environment that keeps the safety of all individuals at the hospital a top priority,” said Julia Mullen, vice president of clinical services and Chief Nursing Executive at SMH. “This is an effort to keep our vulnerable patients safe while reducing transmission within our facility and preserving our operational capacity.”

Visitors are required to wear medical-grade masks (no cloth masks) upon entry to the hospital, which will be provided. Visitors must wash their hands before entering and after leaving a patient’s room.

Any visitors experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or are a high-risk contact of a confirmed case are asked not to enter the hospital.

Hospitalized patients are often immunocompromised, and it is important that visitors are diligent in protecting their own family and friends as well as the other neighbouring patients from COVID-19.

Visitors will not be permitted for any COVID-19-positive or suspected patients.

Family members of patients can contact the Patient Experience Department to book a time to speak with their loved ones through technology such as iPads or tablets.

Please call ext. 2310 or e-mail to arrange a virtual visit.

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