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Automated cart collection begins this week

November 4, 2021   ·   0 Comments

The County is reminding residents that automatic cart collection for waste materials begins this week.

As of November 1, the new automated system will be in effect.

The change to the new system means that many households will have a new collection day and time when they roll their carts to the curb. The frequency of collection does not change with weekly organic collection and alternating weeks for garbage and recycling.

You can confirm your collection day by visiting and check the calendar.

Residents should be aware of the proper way to place your carts is by the street so they can be picked up.

Have your carts at the road or curb by 7:00 a.m., on your new collection day. Collection times may continue to change for a period of time while new routes are optimized.

Place the carts on a level surface within eight feet of the travelled portion of the road. Be sure to avoid any low hanging branches.

Carts should be placed two feet apart, with two feet between any other objects.

Point the arrow on the carts toward the street and the handles toward your house.

Do not over-stuff the carts. They should be filled loosely and ensure the lid is fully closed.

Do no secure the lid with bungee cords or anything else to keep the lids closed.

Organics should be bagged. Garbage can be loose or bagged and recycling materials, excluding shredded paper, should be loose in the cart.

The County will be accepting cart exchange requests in mid-January 2022, with deliveries anticipated to begin by the end of February 2022.

The program will provide residents with an opportunity to exchange their recycling and garbage carts for smaller options (with the smallest being the same size as the existing organics cart).

Cart exchange and delivery will be free of charge until July 2022.

Full details about exchanges will be communicated in January.

Simcoe County residents are encouraged to keep the old blue bins, green bins, and garbage containers for other uses.

They can be dropped off free of charge at a County Waste Management Facility to be recycled for a limited time.

By Brian Lockhart
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

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