General News

Blood donation event coming to Alliston

March 3, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Winter is a challenging time for Canadian Blood Services to collect blood, platelets, and plasma.

The impact of inclement weather and an influx of seasonal illnesses makes it more challenging to staff donor centres and bring out donors to events.

A recent survey indicates that 62 per cent of eligible donors in Canada agree that donating blood or plasma over the holidays is important, but only 14 per cent plan on booking an appointment.

The national inventory of several blood types is far below optimal, according to the Canadian Blood Service.

With cold and flu season here, cancellation rates have increased significantly. Winter storms could further impact collections.

Canadian Blood Services is asking donors to book and keep their appointments. Patients are waiting for new and returning blood and plasma donors to make all the difference through the winter months.

As reported earlier in the year, the number of people who donate regularly has decreased by 31,000 during the COVID-19 pandemic. This continues to disrupt blood supplies.

Patients’ needs are still being met by the smallest donor base in a decade, but this is not sustainable.

Now is the right time for communities and organizations to organize as a group through the Partners for Life program to increase the amount of blood products available for patients this season.

By contributing, a simple donation could go on to save a life and change many others. Every donation causes a ripple effect that goes on to have a lasting impact in the lives of others. Cancer patients, accident victims and people with rare, life-threatening, chronic, and genetic conditions rely on blood, platelets, and plasma donations every day.

O-negative blood donors are especially needed because this blood type can be transfused to any patient. In times of emergency or for newborn patients, O-negative blood makes a lifesaving difference, but all blood types are needed.

There are two local blood donation events happening this month.

A blood donation event will be held in Alliston on Thursday, Mar. 30, from 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the Alliston Memorial Arena.

You can book an appointment by visiting or by calling 1-888-2DONATE.

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