August 24, 2016 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
The New Tecumseth Civics are gearing up for their first season in the Greater Metro Hockey League.
The Civics are a newly branded team – formerly the Alliston Coyotes.
Coach Ryan Wood, who led the Tottenham Steam to a 2016 Russell Cup title, has taken over the Civics and will be on the bench with the new team.
Wood has been working to secure his roster bringing in notable players including goalie TJ Sherwood who played for the Steam last season.
The GMHL has 27 teams signed up for the new season with a few changes in the League lineup.
The Grey Highlands Bravehearts have relocated to Wiarton. The Colbourne Chiefs have been rebranded as the Northumberland Stars after an ownership change.
Four teams will not be returning this year including Bobcaygeon, Coldwater, Grey Country, and Haliburton.
Tillsonburg has been included as a new expansion team.
The League will be operating with a two division system this season after organizing three divisions for last year’s schedule.
Also returning this year will be the Tottenham Steam who have new ownership and a new lineup on the bench.
The GMHL season gets under way in September with the Civics home opener taking place on Thursday, Sept. 8, at the New Tecusmeth Recreation Centre in Alliston.
Billet families
The Civics are looking for special families who open their doors to the young men playing on the Civics team and provide them with a safe living environment for the duration of their stay with the team.
For many players this will be the first time they have been away from home.
The Civics make it a priority to find the best possible homes in the surrounding area for players to have success on and off the ice.
Players must adhere to all team rules in addition to the specific house rues of the billet family.
To cover food expenses, players must pay the billet family $500 per month.
The host family is asked to provide the player or players, with a healthy, clean, living environment and three meals per day.
Families must apply to the team billet coordinator. In an application meets a team standard the family then goes through several interview stages.
Families are encouraged to billet more than one player as it has been determined the optimal number of player per household is two.
The interview process for selecting families ensure that players will be in a safe and secure home environment.
Anyone interested in becoming a billet family, contact Ryan Wood, at