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Council passes motion to sanction Russia

May 12, 2022   ·   0 Comments

A motion brought to New Tecumseth Town Council to apply sanctions against Russian products in the Town was passed on Monday’s Council meeting after some discussion as to whether there could be an impact at the municipal level.

Councillor Shira Harrison McIntyre requested the motion based on the fact that the federal government and municipalities across Ontario have denounced and implemented sanctions against Russia as a sign of support for Ukraine.

The motion states “the country of Ukraine has experienced a premeditated unprovoked invasion by Russia,” and “negative impacts upon a country can be used as a means to deter further conflict.”

Questions were raised as to whether the Town could have any real impact by implementing sanctions.

Concerns were also raised about how to determine whether products were produced in Russia.

This could include researching numbered companies in Ontario that use Russian components to produce other final products. The process could include additional legal costs by the Town if it was decided to research all companies that may be using Russian products.

Russian parts could enter the company through a lot of different means and arrive by a number of different avenues include and shipping ports. This could include a lot of time spent on analysis of different products procured by the town.

The motion went on to say, “the Town of New Tecumseth denounces Russia’s unjustifiable war against Ukraine,” and “the Town of New Tecumseth, where financially feasible to do so and subject to the Town’s Procurement policies and procedures, will limit the purchase of products and/ or services which can be easily traced to have originated from Russia.”

Council passed the motion.

By Brian Lockhart

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