October 28, 2022 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
Stevenson Memorial Hospital is easing visitor restrictions at the hospital and is moving to Phase 3 of its visitor policy.
The policy went into effect on Monday (Oct. 24).
For inpatients, they are permitted a designated visitor at a time between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. There is no limit on the number of visitors per day, as long as there is only one visitor at a time. All inpatient visitors to the medical/surgical unit, overflow unit, and obstetrics unit must sign in at the nurse’s station.
In the surgical unit, one designated support person is permitted post-procedure to support the patient upon discharge.
In the obstetrical unit, patients in labour and delivery are permitted two visitors or support people at a time.
For the emergency department and outpatient clinics, there is a limit of one visitor per patient unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Visitors continue to be required to wear medical-grade masks – no cloth masks – upon entry to the hospital. These will be provided. Visitors must wash their hands before entering and after leaving a patient’s room as well.
No visiting will be permitted for any COVID-19-positive or suspected-positive patients. Family members of patients can contact the Patient Experience department to book a time to speak with their loved one through technology such as an iPad or tablet.
For regular visits, contacting Patient Experience to be placed on a visitor list is no longer required.
Visitors can go directly to the nurse’s station to sign in once they have put on a hospital-provided mask, self-screened for COVID-19, and sanitized their hands.