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Minor hockey starts training with restrictions on the ice

October 2, 2020   ·   0 Comments

Hockey players are making a return to the ice with training sessions getting underway this week.

While actual game schedules aren’t yet being planned, individual teams are starting practice with a limited number of players and coaches on the ice.

Once games do commence, they will be limited to three-on-three or four-on-four games to limit the number of players on the ice.

The Ontario Minor Hockey Association said that there is a benefit to this new format.

While the focus is on having fun, teamwork, and skill development, the new format also presents new challenges to players.

Since there are fewer players on the ice, individual players can expect in increase in offensive opportunities. With fewer players, they will also be in situations where they will be in a defensive mode more often giving them the opportunity to practice those skills as well.

Coaches have also been challenged to think creatively when planning for practices or games since the regular five player format won’t be happening on the ice.

TNT Tornados players were on the ice at the Tottenham Community Centre arena on Sunday, September 27, during a try-out to try to balance teams for the hockey association’s house league.

With dressing rooms limited in availability, many players arrived at the arena already dressed for the ice.

The Tornados published an interesting article on their website from the Ministry of Transportation stating that while hockey gear is designed to protect players on the ice, it may present a danger on the ride to the arena.

Hockey equipment may hider a seatbelt’s ability to keep a kid in place in the event of collision. It advises how to properly wear a seatbelt and to avoid having belts go over such equipment as hockey shoulder pads.

With social distancing rules in place makes it more of challenge in the arena, the kids seem happy to be just getting back out on the ice.

By Brian Lockhart

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