September 7, 2023 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
New Tecumseth Town Council has received an update on the progress of its new administration construction project detailing the current completion status.
Since the previous reporting period of July 24, 2023, the substantial completion date has been revised; therefore, work remains ongoing. The contractor indicates substantial performance – the facility is ready for or being used for the intended purpose – will now be achieved by the end of September 2023.
Once the project is mostly completed at the end of the month, it will require a further six to eight weeks to be entirely finished.
Roof flashing and window flashing are nearing completion. The green roof is installed. Many concrete deficiencies discussed in the previous report are underway.
On the interior of the building, the elevator installation commission remains outstanding. Drywall installation, mudding and taping have progressed and are nearing completion.
Electrical and mechanical installations are ongoing, with building controls and date installations continuing.
The installation of the Council chamber audio-video system remains ongoing.
Washrooms have been tiled, and some flooring has been installed, including carpet installation on several of the finished office areas. The toilets are in place, but the plumbing is not yet functional.
The main staircase in the lobby has been partially installed, and drywall and final finishing of the existing north and south stairwells is underway.
As was noted in previous reports, the Town is in receipt of a formal delay claim from the contractor. The value and days outline in the delay claim are being disputed by the Town.
A delay claim submitted for subcontractor delay has been rejected.
In addition to deficiencies noted in prior reports, concrete works completed in this period have been deemed deficient, with cracks, spalling, and other issues noted. Some replacement will be necessary.
The contractor is responsible for the cost and completing the re-work.