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New Catholic school in Alliston ready for fall enrollment

September 8, 2022   ·   0 Comments

A new school, St. Cecilia Catholic School, is now complete and will be welcoming new students this September for the 2022/23 school year.

The project is part of Ontario’s ongoing efforts to build and improve local schools with the province providing Simcoe Muskoka CDSB with $14.9 million to build the new school in Alliston, announced Brian Saunderson, MPP for Simcoe-Grey.

The Government of Ontario is delivering more than $26.6 billion in education funding for the 2023 school year, including an increase of over $600 million this September, which is the highest investment in public education in Ontario’s history.

Ontario’s education plan includes five key components, including kids being back in the classroom with a full school experience that includes extra-curriculars like sports, band and field trips, investing more than $175 million for enhanced tutoring support programs with a focus on reading, writing, and math, and updating the curriculum to prepare students for the jobs of tomorrow.

The plan also aims to provide more money to build schools and improve education, and allotting $90 million to support student mental health.

St. Cecilia will have spaces for over 450 students during the upcoming school year, three child care rooms, and 49 new child care spaces.

“Our government is investing $14 billion over ten years to build new schools, improve existing facilities and create child care spaces to ensure young people can reach their full potential,” said Stephen Lecce, Ontario Minister of Education. “By building St. Cecilia Catholic School as well as investing in tutoring and mental health supports for the year ahead, we are getting students in Alliston back on track now and well into the future. While we make progress building St. Cecilia Catholic School for Alliston to support hard-working parents, we remain committed to keeping students in class this September in more normal classrooms with extra curriculars, sports, and clubs.” 

St. Cecilia’s Catholic School is located at 81 Willoughby Way in Alliston.

By Brian Lockhart

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