July 9, 2022 · 0 Comments
A new organization in the region hopes to get seniors actively involved in climate change by making them more aware of this threat to the environment and helping them to reduce their carbon footprint by making simple adjustments in their everyday lifestyle, routines, and decisions.
Called, Greys for Green, the organization’s tag line is “Seniors for Climate Change, Awareness, Advocacy, and Action.”
Organization President and Founder Kelly Pearce said he came up with the idea after retiring and wanting to still contribute to the community and society through his retirement years.
Mr. Pearce lives in the Briar Hill retirement community and through discussions, many of which took place on the golf course, with other residents, realized there was enough interest among residents to start an organization geared towards seniors in the area.
“I thought that when I retired, as a senior, I would have more time on my hands to do something for the environment, which I’ve always been concerned about,” Mr. Pearce explained. “I moved into a retirement community here in Alliston. I’m a golfer, and we have a golf course here, and I meet a lot of other retired folks here. I got the idea that they were from all walks of life, and I thought maybe this was the place to start this organization. There was a bunch of them that were interested in this cause. We wanted to create an environment where seniors could get involved and start giving back to the earth. This would be a legacy for their children and grandchildren.”
A board of directors was created and plan put into place to start a program. The other board members are Louise Montague, Vice- President/Acting Secretary, John Wilson-Treasurer, Jorma Ikavalko, Brian Howeieson and Cassandra Dass-Pearce.
Many seniors are not fully aware of the impact of climate change causes and impacts, and the group hopes to provide information about it, and how seniors can help.
“Some people are actually very concerned about it but don’t know what to do, so we wanted to give them the information about how to reduce their carbon footprint and make them more informed and more comfortable with the whole crisis” Mr. Pearce explained.
The group has opened the organization to include seniors from the whole community including Alliston, Tottenham, and Beeton.
The organization is planning an official launch in September to let people know what they are all about and learn more about climate change action and what they can do to help.
The launch will take place at the Gibson Centre in Alliston on Tuesday, September 20, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. While the event is geared towards seniors, all are welcome to attend this free event.
You can learn more by visiting the website at: www.greysforgreen.org.
The keynote speaker will be Dr. Peter K. Sale, a noted University professor (emeritus) and chair of the Muskoka Watershed Council.
By Brian Lockhart