Headline News

New Tecumseth Fire Department reports increase in emergency calls

June 7, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

New Tecumseth Fire Rescue issued its annual report to Town Council and reported an increase of 6.68 per cent in 2023 of emergency responses over the previous year.

The Department responded to 1,149 incidents in 2023 with an overall increase in most categories, including vehicle accidents, structure fires, and medical emergencies.

The totals include responses from other area departments including Adjala-Tosorontio and Essa Township.

The report lists the number of responses in categories, including vehicle accidents, structure fires, vehicle fires, burn complaints, false alarms, CO alarms, and medical emergencies.

The Department continues its ongoing training of fire rescue personnel including the province’s mandatory minimum certification standards for firefighters.

In 2023, the department made significant strides in operation and training with improved firefighter safety with a Cancer Prevention Plan aimed at keeping firefighters safe when dealing with hazardous materials.

Over the year, the department completed 117 Fire and Life Safety inspections through requests, complaints, and risk assessments or follow-ups from a fire incident.

In 2023, members of the Fire Prevention Division completed fire origin, cause and circumstance investigations for 39 structure fires.

School visits were expanded last year to include a fire safety presentation for all primary students throughout New Tecumseth. The presentation taught students what to do when their smoke alarms sound, home escape planning when to call 911, and family meeting places.

This program reached approximately 3,500 students.

During Fire Prevention Week in October, staff from the Prevention and Education division held annual open houses at Stations 1 and 2.

Station 3 set up information booths in the parking lot at the Tottenham Home Hardware parking lot providing various methods for the delivery of fire safety information.

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