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New Tecumseth votes 2022 – Meet your candidates: Ward 6

October 13, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Ahead of the Oct. 24 municipal election, the New Tecumseth Times reached out to all Council candidates to learn more about who they are and what they hope to bring to the 2022 – 2026 Council table.

Here’s how our Ward 6 candidates responded.

Nicole Cox

A 42-year resident of Beeton, I’ve raised my family and appreciate everything our small town offers. 

I share the concern of many as we face rapid growth and massive debt to fund it. I want to ensure we are fiscally responsible and have policies in place to maintain the character and charm of our town.
Elected Council members will be thrust into the budget process. We need a more detailed presentation of the municipality’s budget, including increased opportunities for review and input. 

The budget should be scrutinized for efficiencies and reviewed with the intent of spending every dollar the right way.

Brandon Kyte

With my employment, I have 10 plus years of working directly with councillors, political figures and their constituents.

There is a general concern of my peers with the lack of fiscal responsibility within the town and council as well as ensuring the infrastructure of Beeton is there to handle the rapid development that is occurring.

Keeping Beeton’s unique small hometown tight knit community feel. Infrastructure maintenance and development to keep up with population growth, ensuring needs of the town are met without putting the budget into a deficit.

Meet as many constituents as I can to hear their concerns and thoughts on what they would like to see happen in their town as well as a review of Beeton’s budget to ensure a proper allocation to everything that’s needed.

Douglas Kowalinski – Did not respond

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