General News

New Tecumseth’s Community Grant Program now open for submissions

December 15, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The application process for the Town of New Tecumseth’s 2023 Community Grant Program is now open.

The town’s Parks, Recreation and Culture department administers the Community Grant Program and prepares a summary report for review and recommendation by the Grants Review Committee for the council’s consideration. The report will be presented to the Committee of the Whole in April, with approval at council’s first meeting in May.

All grant opportunities are contingent on the allocation of funding as part of the town’s budget process. The total funding available for grants will be determined annually through the budget process.

There are three categories for grant applications.

The Community Grant Program provides funding to assist organizations that provide core services to the community, which are not provided by the town and are beneficial to the community.

Funds provided in this category include requests for initial start-up funding, equipment, material, and supply purchases, or to offset town-established user fees to rent space, equipment or supplies.

Groups considering a request to have Town user fees waived must apply for a grant in this category.

The Community Events Grant Program provides organizations with financial support to assist with the delivery of a variety of community celebrations, festivals, and special events, which council considers core services to the community.

This category does not include events that involve fundraising or raising funds for another organization, or events hosted by the private sector or individuals.

The Community Arts, Culture and Tourism Grant Program supports local not-for-profit organizations promoting opportunities in artistic expression and cultural endeavours for people of all ages, through education and participation.

This grant program also supports tourism and development activities, and the operation of significant cultural facilities which provide core services to the community.

The deadline for completed applications is Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023.

Application forms are available online at the town’s website at

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