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Oldtimers cautious but optimistic about upcoming season

February 18, 2021   ·   0 Comments

After last season’s wash-out, the Tottenham Oldtimers Slo-Pitch League is cautiously optimistic about the upcoming season.

There were almost no diamond sports last year. A few minor baseball teams managed to get some games in on the diamond at the Tottenham Community Centre, with restrictions, of course, but for the most part all baseball, softball, and slo-pitch activity was a no-go last season.

The teams that did play played exhibition games only with teams that were in the same health unit district and they were not allowed to travel to participate in tournaments.

The Oldtimers executive opened registration for the upcoming season on January 1. They already have 63 players registered so obviously people want to get out and play. Even with those 63 registered, that number is considerably lower than they have most years.

League executives posted a statement saying, “We can appreciate your reluctance to register as there are a ton of unknowns or potential concerns about playing slo-pitch in a pandemic.”

The League is hoping to get as many potential players registered as soon as possible in the event they get the green light to head out to play this year.

League organizers need to know numbers to determine how many teams there will be and how to schedule them. They also have to consider orders for team jerseys and equipment purchases.

Organizers are aware that all this work may be in vain, depending on what happens over the next few months, but they are planning on a start to the season, even if it is a late start.

They do need to know numbers so they can at least get a plan on paper and be ready to start if restrictions are lifted.

If you register, there is no payment required until the League confirms that there will be a season.

As in incentive to get people registered, the league is planning a special draw for those that sign up between February 11, and February 28.

With slo-pitch being one of the most popular sports in Tottenham, there are a lot of people waiting for spring and hoping to get some action in this summer.

By Brian Lockhart
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

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