December 8, 2022 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
A 61-year-old Beeton resident has been charged with luring a person under the age of 16, after a lengthy investigation that involved several police agencies.
Four other Simcoe County residents were also charged with various offences regarding child exploitation.
The Ontario Provincial Police have laid hundreds of charges across the province in connection with the Provincial Strategy to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation on the Internet initiative.
The results of the investigations, completed in October, were announced in a video release. During the month, the 27 policing partners conducted 255 investigations, completed 168 search warrants and seized 1,032 devices.
In total, 428 charges were laid against 107 people. During the investigations, 61 victims were identified and referred to appropriate community-based resources for assistance. An additional 60 children were safeguarded.
There are 175 ongoing investigations where additional charges may be laid.
“These numbers are shocking, but they provide hope by showing the lengths our teams are willing to go to protect children,” said OPP Chief Superintendent, Kari Dart, OPP Investigation and Support Bureau. “I would like to express gratitude for the hard work of the Provincial Strategy members, and our partners, in keeping children in the province safe and holding those who want to harm them accountable.”
The Provincial Strategy includes two ministries, the Attorney General and Solicitor General, and 27 participating police agencies. Additional partners in the investigations include OPP Digital Forensics, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canada Border Services Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Homeland Security.
The BOOST Child and Youth Advocacy Centre, the Children’s Aid Society, and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection provided victims’ support and education.
“The work done by the Provincial Strategy members take us to some of the darkest corners of society and exposes the horrific crimes committed every day against children,” said OPP Detective Sergeant Jamie King, Provincial Strategy Lead. “This is not a crime that can be combatted by our members alone and we ask that everyone out there recognize the importance they play in protecting children. Report these crimes, remain vigilant, and educate yourself.” Since the Provincial Strategy began in 2006, it has completed 65,564 investigations and laid 24,608 charges against 6,540 people.
A total of 3,470 victims have been identified worldwide.