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Simcoe County produces Second World War honour roll video

November 17, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

It has been 77 years since the Second World War ended with the surrender of Germany, and then Japan.

In honour of the Simcoe County residents who made the ultimate sacrifice, the County is introducing a unique and historical video created through research conducted by the Simcoe County Archives.

The County previously produced an electronic database with the names of those who participated in the First World War.

The new video titled, Simcoe County Remembers, lists the names of 348 Simcoe residents who died in the war between 1939 and 1945. Many of those fallen soldiers still have family in the region who continue to honour their memory.

The video is a virtual supplement to the public memorials that are located in communities around Simcoe County,

When doing the research for names to include in the list, it was determined that criteria should be met when adding a name to the list, and a least one of those criteria should be met.

This included the people being born in Simcoe County. who resided there at the time of enlistment, next of kin residing in Simcoe County, or is their name on one of the public memorials located in the County?

This also includes soldiers who died after the end of the war from causes directly related to war service.

The video may be viewed online at: http://youtu.be/KNGN2RDmlhQ.

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