General News

Stay off of the ice to stay safe this winter

January 5, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Conservation Authorities in Ontario are reminding people to exercise caution near streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes, during the winter months, and keep family and pets away from the edges of all water bodies.

There is an expected freeze-thaw cycle over the next few months. Fluctuations in temperature and precipitation types can increase runoff and contribute to higher water levels and faster flows in local watercourses.

Once rivers and waterbodies become ice-covered, periods of rainfall and snowmelt can result in the weakening, shifting, and melting of the ice cover, making it unsafe.

To stay safe over the winter months, keep family and pets away from all bodies of water.

Avoid all recreational activities in or around water including skating in unsanctioned areas. Keep your winter outdoor activities limited to trails at local parks and conservation areas. Skate only in areas that are monitored for ice thickness and maintained.

Stormwater ponds and facilities were not built for ice skating. Water levels on these types of ponds can change due to road salt, snow melt, and changing temperatures causing cracks and dangerously thin ice.

Attempting to rescue another person or a pet from ice is dangerous. If you see anyone that has fallen through the ice, call 9-1-1 for help immediately. Rescue crews are trained and have the equipment needed for a rescue.

Following these recommendations will help keep you and your family safe this winter.

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