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Tottenham Chamber launches fun new contest to support local business

January 28, 2021   ·   0 Comments

In an effort to support local businesses, the Tottenham Beeton District Chamber of Commerce has announced a new contest to increase exposure for businesses in the area.

The Chamber of Commerce (TBDCC) serves as an advocate and support organization for local businesses.

With the current provincial lockdown in effect, many businesses are struggling and looking for new ways to attract customers and stay viable during challenging times.

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our businesses have significantly had to change their way of doing business and some have had to close their doors,” said Robyn Caruana, President of the TBDCC. “It’s been heartbreaking to see businesses struggle during the first wave of the pandemic, but for those businesses having to go through it a second time it can be quite devastating.”

Ms. Caruana said the local community has stepped up to help local establishments stay viable.

“Whether it’s take-out options or curbside pick-up, it seems the community is really trying to adapt to this new way of doing business, along with the business owners,” Ms. Caruana said. “That’s heart-warming and great to see.”

After seeing other centres start contests to have local residents involved with business, the TBDCC decided to start their own contest locally.

The Chamber will be accepting cash and gift card donations as well as products or service donations. Each week there will be a new contest on the TBDCC’s Facebook page. Everyone can participate in this.

Examples may be a photo of your pet, or kids’ artwork. Anyone can participate and post their entry to be included.

Those who comment on the posts will be eligible to win one of the gift cards. Winners will be selected randomly by a computer-generated app.

Your chances of winning will be directly related to the number of entries that are received each week.

The contest will continue until they run out of prizes.

“The contest will increase the money spent at local businesses as well as promote exposure for those businesses in hopes that others might try something new.” Ms. Caruana explained. “Maybe you’ll win a gift card, a product, or a service to a store or restaurant you’ve never been to before. It’s going to increase community engagement and promote some fun among neighbours and friends.”

This is not a member only event, this is for everybody.

If you are able to donate, you can reach out on the TBDCC Facebook page or visit the website at

By Brian Lockhart
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

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