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Town celebrates the opening of new Administration Centre

June 14, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

It’s a historic milestone for the Town of New Tecumseth as the new Town Hall and Administration Centre are now open and Town staff have moved into their new home.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the new facility was held on Monday, June 10.

The new building on Tupper St. replaces the old building which was dated and too small and awkwardly located at Church St. S and Wellington St. E.

The new building is constructed on the site of the former Alliston Union Public School and used the existing building as the main structure for the new facility.

The new Town Hall is spacious and brightly lit with a glass facade at the front of the building.

“We’re finally here,” said New Tecumseth Mayor Richard Norcross during the opening ceremony. “It’s been years and years, with different councils. Staff has come and gone, but the day is today, and what we’re so excited about is cutting this ribbon and being here  today with the residents of the Town of New Tecumseth, and more importantly, our staff that work so hard. We’re going to officially open today and dedicate it to our community, and we hope it will be used for generations and generations and decades and decades by members of the community.”

Mayor Norcross acknowledged that several different Town Councils worked on bringing this project to fruition.

Former Mayor Rick Milne was involved in the original planning stages.

The project was not without controversy. Several groups protested the plan to build a new Town Hall saying the money would be better spent elsewhere.

However, New Tecumseth Council voted to go ahead with the project.

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